These “Conditions of Sale” are valid for the purchase of products on the website belonging to SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 197 – 09123 Cagliari (Ca).

Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of the Legislative Decree no. 185/99 and, as regards the protection of confidentiality, it will be subject to the legislation referred to in Law no. 675/96 and subsequent amendments.

We invite the Customer to carefully read these “Conditions of sale” before proceeding with any purchase. SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL reserves the right to change these “Conditions of Sale” at any time. 

Acceptance of the Conditions of Sale
Every order placed on implies the conclusion of a sales contract. By clicking on the “Confirm purchase” button, the Customer places a binding order for the products and / or services contained in the virtual cart. Once the purchase is confirmed and the transaction is completed, the contract will be considered signed.

All prices are indicated in Euro and include VAT. Transport costs and any payment costs are highlighted at the time of order confirmation. The price shown on the site at the time of the conclusion of the order is applied to the products and / or services, without any consideration of any subsequent or previously offered price changes.

To place an order on the site, the Customer must perform the “Order Confirmation”. This confirmation summarizes the products and / or services chosen, their prices (including shipping costs and any payment costs), the address for delivery and all its specifications. The Customer undertakes to verify the correctness of the data and to communicate any corrections immediately. Possible increase in costs caused by errors in the data not reported promptly, will be charged to the Customer.

With regard to the purchase of goods, upon receipt of the package, the Customer undertakes to carefully check that there are no anomalies (dents, holes, etc …). If some of these anomalies have been received, the Customer must sign with RESERVE OF CONTROL, noting the reservation on the DDT (Transport Document) or on the delivery slip, so as to be able to be reimbursed in the event of a complaint (in case of failure to sign with RESERVE no refund will be issued).

If, on the other hand, he believes that the damage has compromised the goods, he can REJECT THE ENTIRE DELIVERY to the courier by noting the reasons on the DDT (Transport Document) or on the delivery slip (eg. “Goods rejected because …”)

Availability of products and / or services

The availability of products / services is automatically updated by the computer system. Nevertheless, it is possible that occasional non-availability of the products and / or services for sale may occur. In this case, SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL undertakes to immediately contact the Customer who will be offered a replacement product and / or service of equal value or a refund for this product and / or service. This choice will be at the discretion of the Customer.

Right of withdrawal on purchased products (wines)
SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL does not recognize the right of withdrawal on purchased products (wines), as the right of withdrawal does not apply to the supply of foods which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly.

The right of withdrawal is excluded in the following cases, pursuant to Article 59 of Legislative Decree 21/2014:

– order of products that risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly;

– order of sealed products which cannot be returned for hygienic reasons or related to health protection or which have been opened after delivery.

With reference to the cases of exclusion of the withdrawal listed above, you, in particular, are informed and accept that the products that “risk deteriorating or expire rapidly” include ALL the food products sold by SPINARBA SOCIETA ‘AGRICOLA SRL, as the characteristics and the qualities of these types of products are subject to alteration also as a result of inappropriate storage. Therefore, for reasons of hygiene and customer protection, the right of withdrawal is NOT applicable for products purchased on the website 

Product warranties (wines)

All SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL products are manufactured with the utmost care, following the procedures and regulations for their sale. Should the Customer have any problems with one or more of these products, please inform SPINARBA SOCIETA ’AGRICOLA SRL via email to the email address In this e-mail, the Customer will have to explain the problem, how the latter presented itself and attach photographs of the product, the transport document, or the invoice / receipt. These photographs must show, as far as possible, the problems of the product in question in order to facilitate and speed up problem resolution times. Our commitment and interest is, to ensure that everything happens quickly and without complications.

The disclaimer of warranties are listed below:

– Defects or damage caused by improper use, falls and bumps;

– Changes or deterioration of the artificial parts of the product due to aging;

– Deterioration of the product, due to non-compliance by the Customer (storage method not compliant with the prescriptions on the label, failure to collect the goods with consequent prolonged storage in warehouses that may not guarantee the correct methods of conservation of food products).

– If the transport document or the invoice / receipt is not present.

Applicable Law
These Conditions of Sale that sign the purchase and sale contracts are governed by Italian law (and in particular by the Consumer Code – which in articles 46 to 67 governs distance contracts – and by Legislative Decree 70 of 09/04/2003 e-commerce) and must be interpreted in the light of this.


Booking conditions – Tour with tasting

Reservations are subject to confirmation by SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL which will take place via email.

Guided tours require a minimum number of 2 participants up to a maximum of 8. For group bookings of more than 8 people, direct contact with the company is required to organize a personalized tour at the email indicated on this website.

Cancellation requests must be communicated in writing to the email The cancellation procedure is specified on the page of each proposed service. If not specified, the cancellation conditions provided and published on this page apply

The customer must carefully and diligently follow the ordinary rules and specific regulations in force in the country of destination, all the information and instructions provided by SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL. The customer will be called to answer for all damages suffered by SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL due to its inability to comply with the above obligations. The customer will also communicate in writing to SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL, at the time of booking, the particular personal requests that may be the subject of specific agreements on the methods of carrying out the tour, once accepted by SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL.

The customer is always required to inform the organizer via email of any special needs or conditions that may affect the usability of the service (pregnancy, food intolerances, disabilities, etc.) and to explicitly specify the request for related personalized services.

Cancellation policy – Tour with tasting

Refunds are available for customers who cancel online up to 24 hours prior to the booking date. To cancel the tour it is necessary to register on the website and follow the indicated procedure.

There is no refund for customers who use / participate only partially in the tour booked or who request a refund after 24 hours prior to the tour date.

If for any reason SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL cancels the booked service / tour, the customer can request a refund of the amount paid only.

In the event that, due to operational difficulties or force majeure, SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL is obliged to change the program of the booked service / tour, the customer will be informed before the departure of the tour.

Unless otherwise indicated, tours are free for children under six years of age; for children from six to twelve years or for people belonging to special categories, there may be reductions. In order to take advantage of the reduction it is necessary, when requested, to show a document certifying the age of the children. If the customer is unable to prove membership in the facilitated category with official documents, he will have to pay the full non-discounted rate at Tenute Maestrale at the start of the tour.

SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL does not assume responsibility for damage caused by third parties or for causes beyond its control and cannot be held responsible for the loss of valuables or other goods during the course of the booked tour.

Any complaint by the customer must be communicated to the email no later than 7 working days from the date of the tour booked.

Any disputes will be resolved by the Court of Cagliari.

The program and the rates are to be considered valid in the period specified on the website and / or in the catalogs sent by SPINARBA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA SRL



Payments can be made as follows:

Visit the designated section

For any dispute deriving from the Contract or connected to it, the Court of Cagliari will be exclusively competent.

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